Welcome to the Dollhouse
Welcome to the Dollhouse Podcast
Episode 16: Lies, Damned Lies & Suicide Statistics

Episode 16: Lies, Damned Lies & Suicide Statistics

Kit Kowalski and Edie Wyatt talk about the world of sex and gender from a gender-critical perspective, not just the culture war, but law, policy, activism, feminism and all the nonsense.

Welcome to the Dollhouse Episode 16: Lies, Damned Lies & Suicide Statistics with Kit Kowalski and Edie Wyatt. This week we delve into the weaponisation of suicide that is used to strong-arm parents into compliance.

Content Warning: Suicide

Senate Inquiry on Children’s Gender Medicine

Why Can’t Women Talk About Sex?

Binary hosted an event titled “Why Can’t Women Talk About Sex?” in the NSW parliament on Thursday 23rd June 2023. Most of the the speeches are available on ADHTV.

Jillian Spencer calls for an urgent inquiry

On the same day, the Federal Senate debated a proposal for an inquiry on children’s gender medicine

There was no vote as debate carried over.

Gender Clinic News
Inquiring minds
Today, Australia’s upper house of parliament, the senate, may get to vote on a proposal for an inquiry into youth gender medicine. I don’t know if a parliamentary inquiry is the right vehicle. I am confident, however, that popular arguments against an inquiry—against any kind of inquiry—are shot through with holes…
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Castrating Mothers

Jeanette Jennings - The OG of transhausen by proxy

At minute 3:20, Jeanette says that “close to 50%” of transgender youth attempt suicide.

Susie Green - Mermaids UK

Susie Green, ex-CEO of trans child charity Mermaids, describe how her husband’s homophobia drove her to transition her son.

Kimberley Shappley

Kai Shappley is a child actor. His mother Kimberley talks about how her homophobia drove her to transition Kai.

The role of the ABC

2003 - Australian Story - Alan Finch

In 2003, ABC Australian Story described the story of Alan Finch, a detransitioner. This story was removed from the ABC website sometime in 2009.

2014 - 4 Corners - Being Me

ABC takes a sympathetic look at the work of Michelle Telfer and her collegues at the Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne.

2016 - Australian Story - About a Girl

Michelle Telfer returns for an in-depth look at Georgie Stone. The show is introduced by Victorian Premier, Dan Andrews. Stone is an actor, an advocate and one half of the mother-son dynamic duo that runs Transcend. Together, they demolished the legal processes that protected children from medicalisation.

Georgie Stone as a boy
2020 - 4 Corners - Not A Boy Not A Girl

4 Corners promotes non-binary identity and medicine for children.

2020 - First Day

A 2-season drama about a young boy starting a new school with a girl identity.

2021 - Australian Story - A Balancing Act

Michelle Telfer returns to star in her own hagiography.

Camille Paglia on transgender

Camille Paglia calls herself “transgender” but not in the way that you might imagine.

Paglia on Ms Magazine, “a very important contribution to the language”.

Disclaimer: She’s utterly a genius, and like many big thinkers has said some problematic things over the years, including expressions of support for NAMBLA. As always, here at The Dollhouse we take the good ideas and leave the rot.

ACON Pride in Diversity - Pronouns & Suicide Prevention

ACON Pride in Diversity workplace trainer Nicki Elkin teaches that 48% of transgender youth will attempt suicide “using somebody’s name and preferred pronouns” will “fix” the problem of suicide.

Trans Activists Promoting the Suicide Narrative

ACON’s TransHub 

Search for “suicide” on TransHub (written by Teddy Cook and Liz Duck Chong) returns a massive NINE hits:

  1. Suicidality and Crisis

  2. Crisis and support services

  3. Training & Education

  4. I'm feeling suicidal now

  5. Trans Vitality Toolkit

  6. Trans Vitality - Resources

  7. Support

  8. Is being trans a mental illness?

  9. Therapeutic tools

The Source of the Scare: Telethon Health Trans Pathways

This study finds that 48% of transgender children have attempted suicide. This key figure is referenced by the Trans20 study, the Australian Standards of Care and Treatment Guidelines for Trans and Gender Diverse Children and Adolescents and is cited as a caution whenever childhood transition is questioned.

Looking at the sampling and analysis, there are obvious problems with the study.

The survey used Facebook advertisements to recruit 859 participants between the ages of 12 and 25 and labels this a cohort of ‘children’. They are asked about their experiences - the data is not verified.

The study participants are mostly females

The survey collects data on natal sex. 74.4% of participants are female.

When non-binary isn’t non-binary

While less than half the males identify as non-binary, the majority of female participants do.

The non-binary category is actually a roll-up of all categories that are unaligned to ‘male’ or ‘female’. The word cloud reveals that 'agender’, ‘gender fluid’ and ‘genderqueer’ are also very popular choices.

Participants have serious comorbidity

Eating disorders, sexual abuse, trauma, self-harm and PTSD are all highly represented.

Comparison to ABS figures

  • Suicide in is more prevalent in male children, but the referrals to gender clinics are overwhelmingly female

  • There is no reduction in suicide due to greater recognition of children with transgender identities

ABC Radio National “Busts Myths” (2019)

Radio National reports on the Telethon study AND invites Mother Sharnya Thomson-Yates to share “the story of when her 12-year-old child came out as transgender” and spruik her new movie.

Vic Coroner’s report shows no epidemic of transgender children committing suicide

Coroners Court of Victoria - Suicide among LGBTIQ+ people

Bonus Links

Suicide's spectre - by Bernard Lane - Gender Clinic News 

What does AusPATH advise about treating children with gender dysphoria?

eSafety threatens Twitter

Our friend Julie Inman-Grant puts the hard word on Twitter.

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Intro song: Don’t Give Up, Peter Gabriel

Outro song: Wish You Were Here, Pink Floyd

Welcome to the Dollhouse
Welcome to the Dollhouse Podcast
Welcome to the Dollhouse, where your hosts Edie and Kit explore gender-critical discourses from all possible angles.
We’ll be bringing you news and views and conversations with apostates to the church of gender.
Episodes out fortnightly.