Welcome to the Dollhouse Episode 55: The Unsaid with Kit Kowalski and Edie Wyatt.
Inroads at ABC
Chloe Cole makes it onto the ABC, uncensored - https://www.abc.net.au/listen/programs/adelaide-mornings/chloe-cole/104035786
Louise Elliott to get apology - https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-07-01/tas-hobart-council-apology-to-louise-elliot/104042362
Vic Gov has a new advertising campaign to ensure women understand that the unspoken resistance. is completely unacceptable.
Elevator Scene
Gavin DeBecker, author of The Gift Of Fear
The LGBTIQA+ Strategy
Funding the Strategy
The Victorian Budget 2021-22 provided an initial $6.5 million to deliver the LGBTIQA+ strategy:
$2 million for the delivery of state-wide training and resources
$1.3 million to support the health and wellbeing of people with an intersex variation
$2 million to support the government’s Trans and Gender Diverse Peer Support Program
$1.2 million to roll out awareness raising campaigns
How many of the consultants involved speak for women? …
Australian GLBTIQ+ Multicultural Council
Australian Professional Association for Trans Health
Inclusive Rainbow Voices
Pride in Sport
Proud 2 Play
Transgender Victoria
Zoe Belle Gender Collective
Satirical Responses
Non-Binary ≠ Non-Participation
Webinar coming up on 12th July. It’s free to register if your workplace or sporting group is an ACON “Pride In” member, or $15 for non-members.
ABC’s Mon Schafter is participating.
Here are a couple of offerings from previous years to give you a taste.
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Intro song: Intro song: Bad Girls by MIA
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